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Headache Prevention Tips

Regular spinal checkups. Regular spinal checkups allow you to correct any structural misalignments, faulty biomechanics and spinal nerve irritation within the upper spine before serious problems develop. Practicing a "preventative" approach as opposed to a "crisis" approach is the most effective way to stay healthy.

Practice proper posture and ergonomics. Proper posture and ergonomics keeps stress to the cervical and upper thoracic spine to a minimum.

Avoid analgesic use. Proper headache management deals with correcting the cause of the headache and not simply the masking of symptoms. Furthermore, excessive analgesic use frequently has a rebound effect, ironically increasing the frequency and intensity of the headaches they are meant to treat.

Proper stress management. Stress is a major trigger of headaches. If you find your stress levels are excessive, contact our office. We can assist you in appropriately managing your stress levels.

Regular exercise. Routine physical activity keeps the body and mind strong, healthy and happy. A minimum of 3 times per week for 30 minutes should be your goal. Involve friends and family, mix up the activities, keep it fun and stay consistent!

Proper diet and nutrition. Providing your body with the proper fuel through proper diet and nutrition allows the body to fight off disease and function at a higher level.

Also, if you suffer from migraines be sure to avoid foods that trigger attacks - chocolate, caffeine, nuts, MSG, foods containing nitrates, and alcohol.